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Sunday, 29 August 2010


Е-mail: shiak@abv.bg

Fine artist, illustrator, art and aesthetics teacher
1991 Graduated “St. Ciril and Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnov, Department of Fine Art, Sculpture Speciality.

Now she's Head of the Art Section of Museum “House of Humour and Satire - Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Lives and works in Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Working in various techniques, digital art including, she has the opportunity to exhibit in national and international environment, in groups or solo shows.

Was memorable her solo exhibition of painting and drawing titled “The Cats 1” displayed at Museum “House of Humour and Satire” (2006), with the successful sequel “The Cats 2” (2010) in Gabrovo / Bulgaria.
Participated in international caricature competition in Italy, Romania, Sarbia, Japan, Bulgaria.