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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Constantin CIOSU

 e-mail: ciosu_c@yahoo.com

Born in 1938
Graduated of  The Fine Arts Academy
Fine artist, illustrator & art teacher
Member of Romanian Artist Union
Activity in cartoons, books, illustrations
Lives and works in Bacău, Romania

A total of 42 national prizes and 92 international prizes. The number is increasing year by year.

1973 third prize - Gabrovo / Bulgaria
1974 second prize - Macedonia
1975 special prize - Vercelli / Italy, third prize - Tolentino / Italy, grand prize - Macedonia
1976 special prize - Aksehir / Turkey
1977 third prize - Vercelli / Italy, special prize - Aksehir / Turkey, second prize - Istambul / Turkey
1978 special prize - Istambul / Turkey
1979 special prize - Ankara / Turkey, special prize - Tolentino / Italy
1980 special prize - Vercelli / Italy
1981 mention - Ancona / Italy, second prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium
1982 special prize - Vercelly / Italy
1983 first prize – Tolentino / Italy
1984 honourable mention - Tokyo / Japan
1985 mantion - Gabrovo / Bulgaria, special prize - Kruishoutem / Belgium
1986 citaton - Tokyo / Japan
1987 prize of press - Knokke-Heist / Belgium
1988 excellent prize -Tokyo / Japan, special prize -Djakarta / Indonezia
1990 special prize - Vercelli / Italy, citaton Tokyo / Japan, second prize - Beringen / Belgium
1991 special prize - Ancona / Italy, excellent prize - Tokyo / Japan, third prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium, second prize - Seoul / Korea
1992 special prize - Vercelli / Italy, excellent prize - Tokyo / Japan, mention - Beringen / Belgium
1993 prize of Ankara City / Turkey, third prize - Ankara / Turkey, special prize -Tokyo / Japan, grand prize - Taejon / Korea
1994 honourable mention - Tokyo / Japan
1995 third prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium, first prize - Beringen / Belgium, special prize - Othotsk / Japan, honorable mention - Taejon / Korea
1996 first prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium, third prize - Taejon / Korea, first prize - Teheran / Iran
1997 special prize - Ankara / Turkey
1998 special prize - Zemun / Serbia, mention - Vercelli / Italy, special prize - Istambul / Turkey
1999 prize “Tivoli” - Legnica / Poland, excellent prize - Taipei / Taiwan, prize “straordinario” - Tolentino / Italy, success prize - Ankara / Turkey, honourable mention -Taejon / Korea
2000 special prize - Istambul, Turkey
2001 citaton -Tokyo / Japan, second prize – Presov / Slovacia, special prize – Daejeon / Korea
2002 special prize - Boechout / Belgium, honourable mention - Daejeon / Korea
2003 third prize - Teheran / Iran, third prize - Legnica / Poland, special prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium, first prize - Nanjing City / China, honourable mention - Daejeon / Korea, special prize - Nastratin Hogea, Istambul / Turkey
2004 grand prix - Presov / Slovacia, first prize - Rhodos / Greece, honourable mention - Daejeon / Korea, special prize -Tabriz / Iran
2005 first prize - Knokke-Heist / Belgium, special prize - Tolentino / Italy & Daejeon / Korea, third prize - Teheran / Iran
2006 mention - Porto / Portugal, best cartoonist prize - Daejeon / Korea
2007 cover award - Kruishoutem / Belgium, second prize / India, best cartoon prize - Daejeon / Korea
2008 third prize - Codogno / Italy, grand prize - Syria , honourable mention - Syria, second prize - England, third prize - Daejeon / Korea, honorable mention - Bursa / Turkey
2009 honorable mention - Azerbaigean, special prize - Daejeon / Korea, special prize - Nasredin Hodja / Turkey, mention - Teheran / Iran, third prize - Olen / Belgium, special prize - Skopie / Macedonia